Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sunday in Thaton

Today didn't feel like Sunday to me at all! It has been the first time in FOREVER that I haven't had the chance to go to Church. We live in the hills of Thailand and the nearest church to us is 3 hours away. Sad day!! Next weekend we are going to Bangkok for a few days and I look forward to going to church there! I think I plan on just making the trek to church though the rest of the time I am here, I need those blessings! :)

A few of my friends here and I tried to make it more Sundayish which was a blessing! We also decided to take a stroll up this hill that is filled with Buddist Temples. There are about 11 up a road that is maybe a couple of miles long. It is a super steep hill so we were getting a pretty good workout! Here are some pictures of us on our trek up the hill!

Our first view at the first Temple. This is overlooking our city Thaton.

I'm not sure if the locals would have appreciated our picture here :)

Interesting Temples huh?
These guys were so cute!

Just because it was a cool picture!

We stumbled upon this little community, we weren't so sure we were suppose to be here, but it was really cool! 

This was our final destination! The top picture on my blog is this Temple during the day. It was beautiful!

The view from the top!

One thing that breaks my heart here is there are dogs EVERYWHERE! Growing up with several dogs I feel like I want to go up and pet them, but we have been told to not touch the dogs here because they carry lots of diseases. It breaks my heart to also see how they are treated here. One of my first experiences here I saw a woman kick a dog in the head. I was not a fan of that experience.

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